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Floodplain inundation and drying project - 2022-2023

The Floodplain inundation and drying project was conducted by the University of Queensland, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water (SA DEW), and the MDBA. The 2022-23 body of work was funded by the SA DEW. This project aimed to improve the understanding of water and salt movement in lower River Murray floodplains following inundation. This phase of work investigated e-watering and inundation from the high river flood of 2022-23.

Attached are drone images of the investigation site following the high river floods of 2022-23 and the outcome presentation disseminating the results.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Data / Information Category Imagen
Authoring Agency Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Additional Notes
Landing page
Update date 2023-04-14
Jurisdiction SA
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Geospatial coverage