Victorian Accountable Salinity Impacts Summary (2020)
A document summarising every accountable action entry on the salinity registers owned or shared by Victoria, updated to July 2020. -
Shallow Groundwater in the Shepparton Irrigation Region
A website developed by Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority to: 1. Provide landholders and farmers in the Shepparton Irrigation Region information about the status of... -
Salinity In The Murray Darling Basin
Online article communications product published on "ScienceHUB: World Knowledge Health Information Center" about salinity in the Murray Darling Basin. -
Bioregional Assessments
Bioregional assessments are world-first science-based studies that developed detailed, multi-layered records of the environment and provided a comprehensive suite of baseline... -
Salinity and soil health
Salinity and soil health: the key indicators to look for if salt is an issue on your farm. Episode of Seeds for Success podcast. -
Hydrogeological Landscapes of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Terr...
Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) boundaries and descriptions have been derived for a number of project areas across NSW. The HGL concept provides a structure for the... -
Salinity targets review: Environmental values and data analysis
As part of the Basin planning process, MDBA is developing a Murray–Darling Basin Water Quality and Salinity Management Plan (WQSMP). This review is the first in a series of four... -
Floodplain inundation and drying project - 2022-2023
The Floodplain inundation and drying project was conducted by the University of Queensland, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water (SA DEW), and the MDBA. The... -
Reports from the Independent Audit Group for Salinity
The Basin Salinity Management 2030 (BSM2030) strategy was agreed by the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council (MDBMC) in 2015 and commits the partner governments to accept... -
Actual Evapotranspiration Explorer
Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) Explorer used to inform the TERM and CMRSET layers. -
Riverine tree response to water availability
Abstract: Ecological condition continues to decline in arid and semi-arid river basins globally due to hydrological over-abstraction combined with changing climatic conditions.... -
End of Valley Target site reporting - Exceedance curve data template
Blank template and instruction for the salinity and salt load exceedance curves used as part of BSM2030 reporting. -
Benchmark period datasets for End Of Valley Target (EOVT) sites
Modelled projections for the benchmark period (1988-2000) for Basin-wide End Of Valley Target (EOVT) sites. The datasets were prepared for the 2010 Salinity Targets Review (SKM...