Salinity and soil health
Salinity and soil health: the key indicators to look for if salt is an issue on your farm. Episode of Seeds for Success podcast. -
Development of a Fast and Accurate Hybrid Model for Floodplain Inundation Sim...
This study further develops the LSG model to simulate water depth as well as flood extent and demonstrates its efficacy as a surrogate for a high-resolution hydrodynamic model... -
Conservation triage framework for wetlands
The Dammed and the Saved: a Conservation Triage Framework for Wetlands under Climate Change in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia: We developed a framework for conservation... -
Modeling Subsurface Hydrology in Floodplains
We present a model, HaughFlow, which is able to predict coupled water movement in the vadose and phreatic zones of hydraulically connected floodplains. Model output was... -
Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping
Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was commissioned by the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to map the distribution of plant community types (PCTs) within a large section of the... -
Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin
Wetlands greater than 5ha were identified using a combination of an unsupervised classification of spectral classes of Landsat MSS imagery and ancillary wetland information to... -
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios for floodplain tree health in the Lower River Murray: this thesis investigates the major causes of... -
Adaptive Management of Return Flows
Adaptive Management of Return Flows: Lessons from a Case Study in Environmental Water Delivery to a Floodplain River Environmental return flows (the managed delivery of wetland... -
Aquatic ecosystems toolkit
Nationally agreed framework that provides a set of good practice tools provided by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Supports mapping, classifying and assessing the... -
Landuse Planning and Urban Salinity
Land use planning and thinking strategically can play an important role in minimising the economic, environmental and social impacts of the interactions between development and... -
Building in a Saline Environment
Concentrated salts can have an impact on the durability of some building materials. -
Book 4 Dryland Salinity: Productive Use of Saline Land and Water
Managing dryland salinity successfully requires treatment of both the causes and the symptoms.Treatment of the symptoms of salinity in a local area requires a targeted and site... -
Book 3 Dryland Salinity: Investigating and Assessment Techniques
Studying the distribution and concentration of salt in soil across a saline outbreak site helps determine limitations affecting management. -
Book 2 Dryland Salinity: Identifying Saline Sites
Learning to identify and assess the extent of dryland salinity is important for the management of affected areas. Information collected through this process may be used to... -
Book 1 Dryland Salinity: The Basics
It is possible to gain a much better understanding of the dryland salinity process by examining the individual factors that contribute to it. Through understanding each... -
Broad Scale Resources for Urban Salinity Assessment
Information on salinity hazard is valuable for the management of existing and future buildings and infrastructure. It helps to ensure costly problems are avoided and, in areas... -
Site investigations for urban salinity
Concentrations of salt and certain kinds of salt can affect plant growth, soil chemistry and structure as well as the lifespan of materials such as bitumen, concrete, masonry... -
Indicators of Urban Salinity
Care must be taken when attempting to diagnose urban salinity from any one symptom as there may be other explanations other than urban salinity. This pamphlet has attempted to... -
Roads and Salinity
Dissolved salts may crystallise and exert pressure within the road fabric. -
Waterwise Parks and Gardens
By adopting ‘waterwise’ practices we may decrease the incidence and severity of urban salinity and save local government millions of dollars.