Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping
Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was commissioned by the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to map the distribution of plant community types (PCTs) within a large section of the... -
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios for floodplain tree health in the Lower River Murray: this thesis investigates the major causes of... -
Outcomes of environmental watering in the Lower Goulburn
A collection of perspectives regarding the success and outcomes of the FLOW-MER program in the Lower Goulburn River. Includes observations and research from community members,... -
Actual Evapotranspiration Explorer
Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) Explorer used to inform the TERM and CMRSET layers. -
Fine scale mapping of fractional tree canopy cover to support river basin man...
Scientific method presented to derive tree fractional canopy cover (FTCC) at 20 m resolution in semi-arid and arid floodplain areas. The method employs LiDAR as a canopy area...
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