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The Floodplain Processes Body of Knowledge provides access to a body of published work, data and tools relating to floodplain processes and salinity within the Murray-Darling Basin, which has been developed and reported over the past 30+ years.

The FP BoK functions as an open-source service to be used as a reference tool centralising resources and making open-source floodplain information more easily discoverable. The resources contained can guide users for better informed development of technical studies, floodplain salinity risk management and investigations.

FP BoK is hosted by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA). The service began as collaborative project between MDBA and the Basin governments Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, ACT, New South Wales and the Australian Government under the Basin Salinity Management 2030 strategy in 2021. The resources are obtained from MDBA and Basin governments and other contributors.

Contributions of published resources are welcome. If you have published work, data or tools relating to floodplain processes and salinity within the Murray-Darling Basin you wish to contribute, please contact us (bsmap@mdba.gov.au).