Inter-annual variability of wet season freshwater plume extent into the Great...
Riverine freshwater plumes are the major transport mechanism for nutrients, sediments and pollutants. This paper explores using a physics based model using non-algal particulate... -
Shallow Groundwater in the Shepparton Irrigation Region
A website developed by Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority to: 1. Provide landholders and farmers in the Shepparton Irrigation Region information about the status of... -
Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping
Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was commissioned by the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to map the distribution of plant community types (PCTs) within a large section of the... -
Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin
Wetlands greater than 5ha were identified using a combination of an unsupervised classification of spectral classes of Landsat MSS imagery and ancillary wetland information to... -
Floodplain inundation and drying project - 2022-2023
The Floodplain inundation and drying project was conducted by the University of Queensland, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water (SA DEW), and the MDBA. The... -
Webinar: Understanding trends of woody vegetation using field evapotranspirat...
Flow-MER Fridays: Series 1 Webinar 6: Understanding trends of woody vegetation using field evapotranspiration and remote sensing New broadscale information to identify and... -
Outcomes presentation for the Unsaturated zone data review and modelling proj...
This project focused on local-scale interactions between groundwater, surface water, soils, and vegetation. It collates and interprets field data already collected by DEW,... -
Water Law for Equity in a Changing Climate
This report examines water law and policy internationally in preparing for future uncertainty in water resources. This report investigates how international jurisdictions were... -
Actual Evapotranspiration Explorer
Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) Explorer used to inform the TERM and CMRSET layers. -
Riverine tree response to water availability
Abstract: Ecological condition continues to decline in arid and semi-arid river basins globally due to hydrological over-abstraction combined with changing climatic conditions.... -
End of Valley Target site reporting - Exceedance curve data template
Blank template and instruction for the salinity and salt load exceedance curves used as part of BSM2030 reporting. -
Schedule B - Basin Salinity Management
"SCHEDULE B—BASIN SALINITY MANAGEMENT" contained within the Water Act 2007 -
River Red Gum and Black Box tree evapotranspiration response
Physiological variation of River Red Gum and Black Box trees across 10 study locations in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, was captured instantaneously using sap flow sensors,... -
2021 Mallee Horticulture Crop Report
The report presents maps and information on irrigated horticulture in the Mallee catchment from 1997 to 2021. -
Soil Salinity - Non-watertable
Non-watertable salinity (or dry saline land) is where soil contains elevated levels of soluble salts that are not associated with a watertable. Mapping shows the degree of...
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