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Murray-Darling Basin Acid Sulfate Soils Risk Assessment Project reports

The purpose of the Murray–Darling Basin Acid Sulfate Soils Risk Assessment Project was to determine the spatial occurrence of, and risk posed by, acid sulfate soils at priority wetlands in the River Murray system, wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance and other key environmental sites in the Murray–Darling Basin.

Phase 1 investigations are initially undertaken to determine whether or not acid sulfate soil materials are present in the study area, and provide characterisation of the properties and types of acid sulfate soils. Phase 2 investigations are only conducted if the acid sulfate soil materials from Phase 1 are determined to be a priority concern for the study area and, based on Phase 1 recommendations, selected samples undergo further investigations to determine the nature, severity and the specific risks associated with the acid sulfate soil materials.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Domain Wetlands, pH
Data / Information Category Report
Authoring Agency CSIRO, Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Authors Various
Additional Notes
Landing page
Update date
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Geospatial coverage