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Floodplain understorey evapotranspiration [Borrador]

Monitoring and mapping floodplain understorey and short-vegetation evapotranspiration in a River Red Gum woodland at Bookpurnong, South Australia. The project was running from spring 2021 to spring 2023 with the objective to quantify temporal and spatial variation of understorey and short-vegetation ET in three sections of a floodplain with different vegetation cover.

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Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Domain Salinity
Data / Information Category Report
Authoring Agency Flinders University
Authors Huade Guan, Wenjie Liu, Robin Keegan-Treloar, Karina Gutierrez-Jurado, David Bruce, Jianfeng Gou, Robert Keane, Lawrence Burk, Okke Batelaan, Jess Thompson
Additional Notes Acknowledgement: This project was funded by Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The idea of using the Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) method for floodplain ET monitoring initiated from earlier discussions for an ARC Linkage proposal, among Flinders University, Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), CSIRO, and Department for Environment and Water (DEW) South Australia. Juliette Woods (DEW) and Rob Kingham (MDBA) coordinated most of those meetings. Many people have contributed to this project. Tanya Doody from CSIRO contributed an MEP station to the project, Steve Gao and others, provided rainfall observations and field information for the project. Julliet Woods contributed to discussions with her excellent input at many project progress meetings. Steve Gao and Tanya Doody also contributed to project meetings. Steve Clark provided permission for the project to conduct observations on the floodplain. Jingfeng Wang from Georgia Institute of Technology provided expert support on the MEP method application. Pao-Yu Huang, Malinee Thongmee-Burk, Zhongli Liu, Zhechen (Oliver) Zhang and Claire Moore from Flinders University assisted in fieldwork. The South Australian State Emergency Service is deeply appreciated for towing a field vehicle from the muddy floodplain during one of the field visits.
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