River Red Gum and Black Box tree evapotranspiration response

Physiological variation of River Red Gum and Black Box trees across 10 study locations in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, was captured instantaneously using sap flow sensors, substantially reducing tree response lags encountered by monitoring visual canopy changes. Actual ET measurement of both species was used to bias correct a national spatial ET product where a Random Forest model was trained using continuous timeseries of in-situ data of up to four years. Precise monthly AMLETT (Australia-wide Machine Learning ET for Trees) ET outputs in 30 m pixel resolution from 2012 to 2021, were derived by incorporating additional remote sensing layers such as soil moisture, land surface temperature, radiation and EVI and NDVI in the Random Forest model.

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Campo Valor
Domain Water
Data / Information Category Report
Authoring Agency CSIRO
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Landing page https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0301479723001810?token=291BE66EF3B205A1DA0A36C63FBD7B292A8F7F49AEF36F0CFEC51D2FD8773E81FD3F3853E92A90F61BE3652C3048207A&originRegion=us-east-1&originCreation=20230322050525
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Jurisdiction VIC
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