Basin Salinity Management 2030 South Australia’s 2019 Comprehensive Report
Basin Salinity Management 2030 South Australia’s 2019 Comprehensive Report -
Basin Salinity Management 2030 - South Australia’s Status Report 2019-20
Basin Salinity Management 2030 - South Australia’s Status Report 2019-20 -
Basin Salinity Management 2030 South Australia’s 2021 Comprehensive Report
South Australia’s 2021 Comprehensive Report -
Basin Salinity Management 2030 - South Australia’s Status Report 2021-22
Basin Salinity Management 2030 - South Australia’s Status Report 2021-22 -
DEECA (Victoria) - Basin water quality and salinity management
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action's (DEECA) Basin water quality and salinity management landing page. -
Climate change and environmental water reallocation
Simulation of river flows and diversions under different climate change scenarios, using a hydrology-economics model. Observation of economic returns on irrigation. -
Blackwater Risk Assessment Tool (BRAT)
Modelling tool for predicting dissolved oxygen and dissolved organic carbon in flood return water, using minimal data inputs. -
Outcomes of environmental watering in the Lower Goulburn
A collection of perspectives regarding the success and outcomes of the FLOW-MER program in the Lower Goulburn River. Includes observations and research from community members,... -
Organic matter as a dominant driver of hypoxic blackwater
"Constraining organic matter composition and dynamics as a dominant driver of hypoxic blackwater risk during river Murray floodplain inundation". Includes article and open... -
VMFRP - EES/ER Technical Studies
Technical presentations and reports regarding findings of Environmental Effects Statement/Environment assessments of Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Projects, as... -
Floodplain inundation and drying project 2021-22
The Floodplain inundation and drying project was conducted by the University of Queensland, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water, and the MDBA. This project... -
Reports from the Independent Audit Group for Salinity
The Basin Salinity Management 2030 (BSM2030) strategy was agreed by the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council (MDBMC) in 2015 and commits the partner governments to accept... -
Basin salinity management 2030: strategies and reports
Salinity is a significant management challenge and poses ongoing environmental, social and economic risks in the Murray–Darling Basin. Salinity is forecast to continue to... -
CMRSET Bias-Corrected Evapotranspiration Time Series for Australia
Gridded evapotranspiration estimates every 8 days at 250m resolution for Australia. Based on the the algorithm of Guerschman et al 2009. -
Fine scale mapping of fractional tree canopy cover to support river basin man...
Scientific method presented to derive tree fractional canopy cover (FTCC) at 20 m resolution in semi-arid and arid floodplain areas. The method employs LiDAR as a canopy area... -
SunRISE 21 - Crop Area Geo-Database
This dataset has no description
Monitoring and Mapping Floodplain Understorey and Short Vegetation Evapotrans...
Understorey evapotranspiration (ET) is an important unknown in the water balance of the Murray-Darling Basin. This study adapted a novel method, i.e., Maximum Entropy Production... -
Review of the elevated salinity event in the lower Darling River March–April ...
Under the BSM2030 strategy, Basin governments committed to the coordinated review of in-river elevated salinity events. This report identifies the cause, impacts, effectiveness... -
Benchmark period datasets for End Of Valley Target (EOVT) sites
Modelled projections for the benchmark period (1988-2000) for Basin-wide End Of Valley Target (EOVT) sites. The datasets were prepared for the 2010 Salinity Targets Review (SKM...