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Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program (MD-WERP)

The Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program is a 4-year, $20 million Australian Government initiative to strengthen scientific knowledge of the Murray–Darling Basin through generating new knowledge, innovation and tools across the themes of:

  • climate adaptation
  • hydrology
  • environmental outcomes
  • social, economic and cultural outcomes.

MD-WERP also assists the Australian Government in addressing Basin Plan objectives and responding to emerging issues by investing in short-term, tactical projects.

Commonwealth partners (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, and Murray–Darling Basin Authority) is collaborating with a research consortium to deliver research that will benefit the Basin and its communities for years to come.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Domain Salinity, Water quality, Fish, Ecohydrology
Data / Information Category Other
Authoring Agency Murray_darling Basin Authority
Additional Notes
Landing page
Update date 2023-10-05
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Geospatial coverage