Climate change and environmental water reallocation
Simulation of river flows and diversions under different climate change scenarios, using a hydrology-economics model. Observation of economic returns on irrigation. -
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios
Methods to assess environmental flow and groundwater management scenarios for floodplain tree health in the Lower River Murray: this thesis investigates the major causes of... -
Book 4 Dryland Salinity: Productive Use of Saline Land and Water
Managing dryland salinity successfully requires treatment of both the causes and the symptoms.Treatment of the symptoms of salinity in a local area requires a targeted and site... -
Adaptive Management of Return Flows
Adaptive Management of Return Flows: Lessons from a Case Study in Environmental Water Delivery to a Floodplain River Environmental return flows (the managed delivery of wetland... -
Aquatic ecosystems toolkit
Nationally agreed framework that provides a set of good practice tools provided by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Supports mapping, classifying and assessing the... -
Blackwater Risk Assessment Tool (BRAT)
Modelling tool for predicting dissolved oxygen and dissolved organic carbon in flood return water, using minimal data inputs. -
Organic matter as a dominant driver of hypoxic blackwater
"Constraining organic matter composition and dynamics as a dominant driver of hypoxic blackwater risk during river Murray floodplain inundation". Includes article and open... -
Conservation triage framework for wetlands
The Dammed and the Saved: a Conservation Triage Framework for Wetlands under Climate Change in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia: We developed a framework for conservation... -
Floodplain inundation and drying project 2021-22
The Floodplain inundation and drying project was conducted by the University of Queensland, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water, and the MDBA. This project... -
4th Basin Salinity Forum
Full Program Welcome Welcome Campbell Fitzpatrick Keynote Speaker Catchment salinity change management from a landholder and Landcare perspective in Central West NSW River... -
Basin salinity management 2030: strategies and reports
Salinity is a significant management challenge and poses ongoing environmental, social and economic risks in the Murray–Darling Basin. Salinity is forecast to continue to...